Maaf tapi, seperti 5 tahun sudah,
I still don't dig poem. Tapi pernah juga cuba dan hasilnya seperti dibawah. Ditulis kira-kira 5 tahun sudah, kemungkinan merupakan sajak pertama dan satu-satunya sajak yang pernah ditulis oleh aku.
Diceduk semula dari blog lama aku di Myspace, enjoy!
Oh baru aku sedar rupanya kerja seni tinggi aku ini dulu tak pernah ada tajuk, jadi aku letakkan satu tajuk khas untuknya iaitu:
'Pelabuhan Cinta Berkalam Noda Noktah Titik Terakhir Tanda Seru Koma Titik Perpuluhan Perlabuhan Kuantan'
12345 478595748985 678910,
345673210 345732-177-10 I could go on forever forever forever forever,
like forever forever forever,
as it would take me forever forever forever,
yes I said forever forever forever,
I mean forever forever forever,
like it's not over till it's over.
no I won't say it all over,
again and again and again,
like again and again and again,
stop it you driving me insane,
forever not as time that of no ending,
but like a heart slowly fading,
I’m tired of waiting,
the beginning that seems so out of reaching,
cos the goddamn phone not ringing,
1234567 89101134-24-7,
7777777-fucking 24-7,
I'll be waiting forever forever forever forever,
dear angel, nasha aziz, fasha sandra, britney spears, whoever,
who fucking ever,
take me somewhere I could finally,
feel nothing but happy,
what if explosions in the sky performing infront of my house stair,
what if bill gates consider me his heir,
what do I care,
when i'm all alone,
everything are their but none of my own,
like a guitar out of tone,
like a toad prince waiting the magic kiss on a stone,
like basic instinct without naked sharon stone,
like a burned out good for nothing piece of shit rockstar ready to get stoned,
unheard, disappointed,
so 1234567 3451536357 891011,
17 123 4 24-7..err..err,
I don't know what's up with the numbers,
but if you care it's all down here,
012-3901949, my number :)
P/S + disclaimer: Sorry makwess.. nombor telah dipalsukan sebagai langkah keselamatan dan yeah, Fasha Sandha is still hot back then.